Gynecologist doctor Antalya


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Laser Genital Aesthetics, Antalya Laser Genital Aesthetics, Antalya Laser Labioplasty

I want to talk about cosmetic gynecology. Nowadays, with the changing trends, women's aesthetic needs have increased greatly. This includes the genital areas as well as the face, so that women can feel good about themselves. It is now almost one of the most performed operations in the world. But women do not always prefer surgery. Sometimes they want faster and easier solutions. Some technologies have developed within this.
The name of these technologies is gynecological lasers.
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In a woman's life, hormonal changes, weight gain and loss, and childbirth affect the whole body as well as the genital part. We can see Genital Aesthetics in this section.
Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics for the Treatment of Vaginal Enlargement Antalya Op.Dr.Güray Ünlü
The outer lips lose their volume with age
Lack of sensitivity during intercourse reduces women's self-confidence.
Problems such as urinary incontinence are very common in difficult births, as a result of large births, and as a result of pressure on the bladder. Women see urinary incontinence as their fate after a certain age, but it is not. There is a solution to this. For this reason, it can be said that genital aesthetics covers a wide area.
  • Antalya Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics Vaginal Tightening

Providing solutions for urinary incontinence
Recently, different types of laser hair removal procedures have been performed. These have also been observed to cause darkening in the genital area. Again, issues such as whitening the outer lips are among the laser treatment topics. In other words, color can also be manipulated.

2024 Laser Genital Aesthetics Prices Antalya, Laser Genital Aesthetics Antalya 2024, Genital Aesthetics Prices 2024 Antalya, Antalya Laser Genital Aesthetics prices 2024

When we say genital area, what we really mean is the Vulva, that is, the outer side of the vagina and the slightly inner side of the vagina. What we mean by genital aesthetics and the procedures we perform. There are areas covering the inner side of the vagina and the outer side of the vagina. We mean the inner lips, labia majora, around the clitoris and surrounding areas. When we say aesthetics, we mean, of course, all the applications that can be done here, that is, everything related to the vagina and inner lips. 
Why is genital aesthetics (Labioplasty) performed and to whom is it performed?
It varies depending on the complaint, but it can be done to anyone. But in some cases there are conditions that should not be done.
1st condition; You must be 18 years or older. It must cause a serious health problem for people under the age of 18 so that we can only apply it. In other words, his/her sexual identity must be established. In fact, that's the logic of 18 years of age... It can be done to anyone over 18 years of age. And also a condition.
Condition 2 also states; The person we call body perception disorder should not have such a disease. Because it is a perceptual disorder, it may lead to worse consequences. That's why it can be done to everyone, in fact, for example, a person's nose is normal, or his genital area is normal, or his body is normal, but due to a psychological background, he misperceives his body and thinks it is a disease, in fact, it is the person's own interpretation. Our patients come with a wide variety of complaints, such as enlarged lips, large inner lips or wide vagina, passing gas during intercourse, not being able to enjoy sexual intercourse with their partner, and having problems with this. Tight clothes like this, when wearing a bikini or tights, can get stuck and feel painful, which can of course disturb the person visually, without anything happening. 
Our patient is experiencing serious problems in his relationships because he already has problems concentrating in his sexual life. These can also be corrected after surgery. We also have patients who state that they look different from the outside. So it may be very different depending on your complaint.
3- When I think of genital aesthetics, especially for women who have given birth normally, for women who have multiple menstrual cycles, and for those who are older, these are the things that come to my mind: what is done, what kind of applications are there?
We can perform many procedures in the genital area. It may be the reduction of the inner lips or the outer lips. The outer lips may be enlarged or fat injection may be performed there. There are special filling materials or fat taken from any part of the body. For example, we can grow it with hyacinthric acid. Color lightening operations can also be done. We can reduce the tissues around the external genital area and clitoris. These areas have different names. It can also be used as a youth vaccine or as a pleasure and satisfaction orgasm vaccine, where we can also perform PRP injections made from blood taken from the body. We can also perform vaginal tightening or tightening procedures. We can tighten or narrow the external area. Or the urinary bladder is prolapsed, for example, mostly in the vaginal area of ​​our patient, or the intestine sags from the lower side, pushing the vagina outward, or it may be normal uterine prolapse. All of this is actually aesthetic. Of course, there may be functional deteriorations, such as after an illness, or as you say, after birth, or spontaneous structural deteriorations. We can perform operations such as repairing them, which we call reconstruction. 
Which is the most commonly performed Genital Aesthetics (Labioplasty) Surgery?
Genital Aesthetic Surgery has become very popular, mostly in the last 5 - 10 years. Labiaplasty is the most commonly performed procedure in our country, as in the rest of the world. In other words, inner lip aesthetics is the reduction of the inner lips. Labium actually means lips, as you know, plasty means to correct them, there are also outer lips, but since we mostly perform labiaplasty on the inner lips, when we say labiaplasty, it means reducing the inner lips.
While doing this, of course, we also remove the clitoris, that is, the excess tissue on the upper side. This is what we do most often.
Secondly, we may consider Vaginal Tightening. 
Thirdly, we may consider bleaching and lightening.
In the past, such things were not talked about much among women, or because there was no example of it, it was not known whether it was normal or not, and especially because it was an issue that was perceived as private in our society. But now, as our doctors share these with us, it becomes possible to tell our women that some things can be done in this sense.  Genital Aesthetics is therefore becoming a little more common. 
Is Genital Aesthetics (Labioplasty) Surgery performed under general anesthesia?
How much time should a person planning Genital Aesthetics spend and then what is the final process?
We mostly prefer to perform the procedure wherever the patient is. Since it is a more aesthetic procedure, it is not rushed, that is, approximately an inner lip reduction. When we consider the clitoris, the time varies between 1 hour and 2 hours. If we do not remove the upper part, a false bulge occurs. It looks bad. It is necessary to do both together. Since it takes a long time, it is a little more comfortable to do it in hospitals in terms of both hygiene and comfort, but if it is too small and the asymmetry is different, we can also do it in the clinic. It's a long process, after all.
Does Genital Aesthetics (Labioplasty) Surgery have any sexual harm or vice versa?
A very frequently asked question.  Our patients are hesitant to come because they think there will be any harm in having it done. The labia, which we call the inner lips, are tissues that can be stimulated, that is, places that give pleasure during intercourse. That's why a certain amount must remain. Sometimes it seems like we are leaving the patient the choice, that is, we do it in line with our patient's expectations and wishes. For example, should we shorten it a lot or a little? There is a look called the Barbie doll look, for example, we can do it like this. In fact, most of the time, our patients say, "Sir, do it as you wish, as you usually do." But there is no ideal vaginal structure. 
So, what is good for me is bad for you. 
We never tell any of our patients that your vagina is too wide or your inner lips are too big. We can say that the patient needs to have a complaint, but we try to do it that way to see if you think there is an abnormality. In other words, the inner lips should not be shortened too much. If too much is taken, it may actually cause loss of sensation and decrease in pleasure during intercourse. In other words, if it is done to the right patient at the right time with the right technique, it will not cause any harm. On the contrary, it will be much more beneficial. Psychologically, self-confidence changes very differently. So, we receive very positive feedback from all our patients. They contribute greatly to every aspect of sexuality at every stage. There are also studies on this. It makes a significant contribution.
What to pay attention to after Genital Aesthetics (Labioplasty) surgery
We perform the surgery on a daily basis, anyway, we perform it in the morning and discharge it in the evening, or we observe our patients for 3-4 hours. If it is done in the clinic, our patients can go out of the province or abroad by plane in the evening or the next day. There is pain for about 2-3 days. Afterwards, a slight itching sensation begins and we think of it as healing. After 4-5 days and a week, our patient can return to normal daily work life. It is a region suitable for sustainability. In terms of stitches that need to be paid attention to. During this period, he/she should not do sports, should not sit as if riding a motorcycle or astride a horse, and should be very careful. This process lasts about 1 month and a half. We also want these things to be prohibited, such as the sea and the pool. Likewise, of course, we want there to be no sexual intercourse for a month and a half. 
After 2 months, he returns to his completely normal life, but to say that there has been a complete recovery, this is the case for all wounds in the body. A period of 6 months is required. After 6 months, he is now completely healed. 
Are there not only Genital Aesthetic surgery but also Genital Aesthetic non-surgical methods?
Of course, what we mean by surgery is more like surgery, that is, surgical techniques such as cutting and then stitching, as well as laser or radiofrequency methods. We can also cut it with laser, sometimes we do not sew it, or it can be tightened in the same way with radiofrequency. We already do color lightening with laser, so the injections that we call invasive interventional and non-invasive are already included in the non-surgical group. Many methods can be tried, such as filling procedures, PRP or mesotherapy techniques, non-surgical methods or vaginal tightening in the form of rope hangers. So, there are also non-surgical techniques. Of course, patient selection is important here, that is, we talk to the patient in detail before the surgery and perform a very detailed examination.
Vaginal tightening with laser? Surgical vaginal tightening?
Antalya Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics 
First of all, the patient should be checked. Because each patient is different. There are patients who need to be narrowed surgically, and there are also patients who need laser. Laser is mostly preferred for those who do not have too much sagging in their genital organs. 
The situation we call sagging; 
The urinary bladder, large intestine, and uterus may prolapse prematurely due to the effects of birth, hormones, and sometimes due to genetic collagen deficiencies. It can sag even at a young age. It can happen even if you haven't given birth. You may notice a protrusion on the outside of your hand, this is your bladder, meaning it has herniated outwards. If there is such a severe sagging, of course we recommend a surgical procedure. But if there is no such sagging and you complain about the enlargement of the vagina, then laser intervention may be more appropriate instead of surgical intervention. This can also be called laser vaginal tightening. Actually Vaginal Tightening, we call it Rejuvination, that is, renewal. In the vaginal renewal process, even if we only tighten the bladder, it also lifts your bladder, so it can meet your needs such as better urine retention and reducing urinary frequency.
Is Antalya Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics a daily procedure? How long does it take and how long does it take for the patient to recover?
Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics is a short-term procedure that can be done even during a lunch break. It takes about 15-20 minutes. It does not affect your daily life at all. That's why it is one of the most preferred procedures by patients.
Return to your normal life after Antalya Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics
After having it done, you can go back to work immediately and take a shower on the same day, but you should wait 4-5 days for intercourse.
Is it applied with local anesthesia or without general anesthesia for Antalya Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics?
There is no need for anesthesia as there will be no pain or suffering. However, local anesthetic creams are used to whiten the upper lips. But there is no need to apply anesthesia for vaginal tightening.
Can different genital aesthetic procedures be performed in the same session? Can all problems be solved in a single session?
In the same session, the vagina can be narrowed and the urinary bladder can be intervened in. If there is darkening of the outer parts, they can be corrected. An intervention can be made for the dullness of the outer lips. In other words, 4 operations can be performed at the same time. 
Does having Laser Genital Aesthetics (Labioplasty in Antalya) prevent me from swimming in the sea or the pool?
The laser we use is a carbon dioxide laser, so it is sensitive to light. Of course, we do not recommend using such procedures in the summer months (this also applies to general aesthetic procedures), but it is of course possible for procedures such as vaginal tightening, as there will be no places where sunlight can enter. For pool or sea, we give 4-5 days, approximately 1 week. As a result, let's say 1 week, he can go to the sea or the pool after 1 week.
There is no serious wound or injury in the applied area. Its main effect is on deep layers. However, since it does not create a visible wound on the surface, there is no risk of an infection or an abnormal reaction.

How many sessions are required for Antalya Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics?

Normally, 1 session is sufficient, but sometimes the patient's needs do not improve in 1 session, so we do the 2nd session 1 month later. Same goes for whitening. 4-5 sessions are required just to plump the vulva (outer lips). 
How long does it take for Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics results to take effect and how long does Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics last?
There are many reasons for urinary incontinence. We offer laser solutions for:
Urinary incontinence is a condition that occurs especially when coughing, sneezing and laughing, which we call stress type. In other words, when there is pressure on the abdomen while performing a performance, the bladder cannot respond to this and cannot contract as we want, which is effective in this type of incontinence.
There is also a different type called wersh, in which you cannot reach the toilet and you have to urinate and leak it until you go to the toilet.
In some patients, both occur.
Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics gives really good results for this stress type of urinary incontinence. Success rates for patients are very high. At the same time, if there is a herniation in the bladder, surgery may also be required. However, if there is no severe organ herniation and the patient has urinary incontinence, these situations give good results as a painless, non-surgical procedure. It takes approximately 1 week and 10 days after the procedure, but we can see the definitive and very beautiful result after 1 month.
How long does Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics last? Will the disease recur after Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics?
Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics is permanent and repeatable; It can handle it very easily for a period of about 1 year, and it can last longer, but it is useful to repeat the dose once again after 1 year, and it is very useful to repeat the control dose for those tissues.
Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetic Surgery Antalya
Laser Genital (Vaginal) Aesthetics and Surgery is an operation that offers very good solutions. Nowadays, the methods have advanced a lot and provide very fast results in a very short time. Many of our patients say that if they had known it would be this comfortable and easy, they would have had it done by now and would have come to you sooner. Everything is faster and easier now. We welcome you to our Op.Dr.Güray Ünlü clinic for diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment.


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