Laser Genital Aesthetics Antalya


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There is a fold on the clitoris that corresponds to the foreskin in men. This fold is more in some women. This tissue on the clitoris may prevent you from fully feeling your partner during sexual intercourse. This tissue can be removed. In this way, the clitoris becomes more visible and open to stimulation. The accumulation of discharge between the folds decreases and it can be cleaned more easily.
It is also possible to perform this surgery during labiaplasty. In fact, most patients who require clitoroplasty have large and misshapen labia.
This surgery is also called clitoral hoodplasty or hood clitoroplasty.


We can provide you with the necessary service with sufficient knowledge and experience in your Antalya vaginal aesthetics and Antalya genital aesthetics searches. We can perform vaginal aesthetics, vaginal tightening, labiaplasty, clitoris operations easily and with satisfactory results.
You need to be examined to find out what vaginal tightening surgery is and what to expect.


There is a fold on the clitoris that corresponds to the foreskin in men. This fold is more in some women. This excess tissue on the clitoris may prevent you from feeling your partner fully during sexual intercourse. This tissue can be removed. In this way, the clitoris becomes more visible and open to stimulation. In addition, the accumulation of discharge between the folds decreases, and the cleaning of the genital area can be done more easily.
It is also possible to perform clitoris surgery during labiaplasty. In most cases, the labia of the patient who requires clitoroplasty are large and misshapen.
This surgery is also called clitoral hoodplasty or hood clitoroplasty.


If we are going to tighten the inside of the vagina, we should do the surgery at least 1.5 months in advance. Sometimes women who have gotten married and separated request hymen repair for a new start. If you wish, it is possible to do hymen repair together with genital aesthetics.



We can perform our surgeries with general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia technique. You do not need to worry about whether there will be pain in genital aesthetic surgery or vaginal tightening surgery.
The most common vaginal aesthetic surgery is the vaginal tightening surgery.
Antalya Vaginal Tightening Surgeries
During vaginoplasty, the prolapsed bladder, fecal canal, prolapsed cervix, and anus area are repaired, strengthened, and excess tissue is removed. The answer to "How is vaginoplasty surgery performed?" can only be determined by the type of sagging. The question of which vaginal aesthetic surgery should be performed can only be clarified by examination. How is vaginoplasty surgery performed can be discussed after the type of surgery is determined.



During the surgery, it should not be forgotten that the vagina and anus are functional organs. The vagina should not be stitched too tightly or too tight. After a poorly performed surgery, a vagina may be too narrow, not allowing intercourse, or its natural axis and entrance direction may be distorted.
If the bladder is lifted too high, you may continue to have urinary incontinence. If the bladder is lifted too high, you may have difficulty urinating. Lines called fistulas may open between the bladder and the vagina.
Do not worry about bleeding during vaginal aesthetic surgery. It is a type of surgery that generally causes little bleeding.


Laser Genital Aesthetics Antalya 
One of the most wondered issues is whether there will be a re-expansion after a vaginal tightening operation. If the surgery is performed using the correct techniques, no, there will be no re-expansion of the vagina.
We often encounter the question of whether a woman who has had vaginal aesthetics can have a normal birth. Normal birth is not recommended after vaginal surgeries. Since normal birth is wrong after vaginal tightening, a cesarean section is necessary. Normal birth may cause uncontrolled tears or at least there may be risks such as the vagina sagging again after the operation.
After the surgery, we usually place a tampon in the vagina for about 1 day. This vaginal tampon stops the bleeding and stays attached to the tissues of the vagina for a while.
There is no need to worry if stitches are visible after the vaginal tightening operation. The stitches of the areas that heal after the operation may come out one by one.
The pain after vaginoplasty surgery is not very intense. Since we do not open your abdominal area during the surgery, the surgery is generally milder than you expect.


Some women apply for lengthening of the inner lips, asymmetry of the inner lips, and tears. Asymmetry in the labia minora (inner lips) may be congenital. Sometimes, tearing due to birth or trauma may cause deformities in the labia minora and lengthening of the labia minora.
These lengths in the lips cause the lips to fold inwards during sexual intercourse, pain during sexual intercourse, swelling of the inner lips after sexual intercourse, increase in vaginal discharge, and infections and swelling of the lips themselves.
The lips can be corrected and aesthetic stitches can be placed. Labiaplasty surgery heals so well that the scars are invisible.
The patient gains morale and becomes a more confident woman in sexual intercourse. You can also get rid of some of your ongoing discharge.


There may be slight swelling during the recovery period of labia minora (inner) surgery. However, the recovery of labia minora (inner) is very rapid. 
Generally, there is not much bleeding in the surgical area in the postoperative phase.
It is a good idea to rest with your legs apart.
It may be recommended to keep your wound area dry, or even try to keep it dry by exposing it to light from time to time.
You can wash the wound area with water, but you should definitely dry it afterwards. Your operation will not be harmed during this drying.
Labiaplasty stitches are generally of a type that absorbs quickly. It is not necessary to remove the stitches of the labiaplasty surgery.
Labiaplasty surgery is a type of surgery that requires easy recovery and allows you to return to daily life quickly.
As a gynecologist and a physician who deals with genital aesthetics, especially genital aesthetics, I would like to answer one of the most frequently asked questions: Why is LABIOPLASTI needed, when is it done, or who is it suitable for? 
First of all, let me say this: labium lips means labium majus, which is the Latin name given to the outer lips in the external genital area and labium is the inner lips. We generally call one the outer labia majora and the other the inner labia minora. And in general, if we call the genital area that you see from the outside anatomically the vulva, the outer labia cover the inner labia and actually prevent the inner labia from being seen too much or because they cover them, they are generally not seen.
  • LABIOPLASTY:  Congenital or structural characteristics may cause changes in the shape, sagging, growth and staining of the inner lips over time. This may prevent sexual intercourse, create reluctance or make sexual intercourse painful. The patient can get rid of this problem with a short-term operation performed with local or general anesthesia and then the patient can immediately participate in daily life. The point to be considered is to postpone sexual intercourse for 4 to 6 weeks.
  • CLITEROPLASTY:  In cases where the organ responsible for the sense of smell, which we call the clitoris, is covered or sagged due to various reasons, we can solve the problem with the clitoroplasty operation. Local anesthesia is usually sufficient for the procedure. Cold application and rest are recommended after the operation. Abstaining from sexual intercourse for 10 days will speed up the treatment process.
  • HYMENOPLASTY:  For the repair of the hymen. Hymen repair can be done for cultural reasons, as well as for patients who have had sexual violence, trauma, operations in this area, or who want to have sexual intercourse with their partner for the first time. Hymen repair can be done with temporary or permanent methods. Temporary repair is the procedure performed 1 week before the date of marriage or sexual intercourse.
  • Hymen pieces are used. In the repair we call permanent, a piece of the vaginal wall is used. The operation time is approximately 1-2 hours. After the operation, the patient is asked to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting. Bleeding may occur after the surgical procedure. This bleeding may last 48 to 72 hours. Complete recovery may take up to 6 weeks.
  • VAGINOPLASTY:  It is a surgical procedure performed to tighten the vagina. Radiofrequency and laser methods can also be preferred, but in people with significant laxity, unsuccessful results may be obtained or the results may be temporary.
  • Vaginoplasty is the method frequently preferred in people with significant laxity. With this procedure, the expansion in the vaginal tissue is narrowed and aesthetic problems are eliminated. If necessary, other parts of the genital area can be repaired. The procedure takes approximately 1-2 hours. The patient can return to normal daily life after two days, but it is recommended that they do not have sexual intercourse for 6 to 8 weeks.
  • LABIUM MAJUS AESTHETICS:  This name is given to the puffy outer lips on the outer part of the genital area. Problems seen in this area can be in two forms. Outer lips that are excessively thin and have lost volume can be plumped up with filler or fat injection and a more youthful appearance can be achieved. Overly full outer lips can be reduced in size.

How long does Labiaplasty Surgery take?

Laser Genital Aesthetics Antalya 

I always tell you how this surgery is. I would like to say something from here. It is a procedure that takes an average of 45 to 1 hour. I have physician friends who prefer local anesthesia under anesthesia. I have even heard that there are those who do it in clinic conditions, but I do not prefer this. I prefer to do it under anesthesia and in hospital conditions. It is a procedure that takes an average of 45 minutes to an hour both for hygiene, for the patient and for myself. We aim for both sides to reach the size we want, the shape we want. Because with age, births occur over time, sexual life becomes active, the moist areas there, or rather, for long periods, in other words, the more that area stays wet, that color changes, especially the big believer is superior. We perform surgeries because these color changes on the 3 sides are not desired. 
We have a type of operation called Barbie Vagina  . They prefer this more. When they say we want it to be in the most anatomically correct way, I definitely have them draw it on paper and pen. Do you want it like this or that? We sit down ourselves and decide which one we want? For example, one can be big and one can be small, we can adapt the big to the small or we can bring both as we want. Sometimes women want ears and we shape them accordingly. This is a bit of a preference issue in aesthetics, as you know, there is no question of why. Of course, however they want, if health or medically appropriate, the doctor also wants it. But I say again, if the conditions are health and rules are appropriate, from our perspective and from the doctor's perspective, of course we support our two patients. In the operations I perform, I perform them in the morning, send them home in the afternoon and evening. They sleep at home in the evening. Our patients do not need extra dressings, but we have creams. I request a check-up after an average of 3 weeks. Interestingly, after the third or fourth day, that area is thought to be very sensitive. It is thought to be very painful, but so far, 99 percent of my patients have not felt any pain. The only thing said is a very light itching after the third or fourth day. 7 swelling tingling. that feeling is a sense of uneasiness but it is not painful. especially what they describe, we can recover it with creams like itching. As I said, this is an aesthetic operation. But of course, many desired and preferred operations are one of them. It would be right for you to choose the right doctor, a doctor who does this frequently and explains it to you comfortably and tells you the appropriate things.


There is a fold on the clitoris that corresponds to the foreskin in men. This fold is more in some women. This excess tissue on the clitoris may prevent you from feeling your partner fully during sexual intercourse. This tissue can be removed. In this way, the clitoris becomes more visible and open to stimulation. In addition, the accumulation of discharge between the folds decreases, and the cleaning of the genital area can be done more easily.
It is also possible to perform clitoris surgery during labiaplasty. In most cases, the labia of the patient who requires clitoroplasty are large and misshapen.
This surgery is also called clitoral hoodplasty or hood clitoroplasty.


If we are going to tighten the inside of the vagina, we should do the surgery at least 1.5 months in advance. Sometimes women who have gotten married and separated request hymen repair for a new start. If you wish, it is possible to do hymen repair together with genital aesthetics.



We can perform our surgeries with general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia technique. You do not need to worry about whether there will be pain in genital aesthetic surgery or vaginal tightening surgery.
The most common vaginal aesthetic surgery is the vaginal tightening surgery.
Antalya Vaginal Tightening Surgeries
During vaginoplasty, the prolapsed bladder, fecal canal, prolapsed cervix, and anus area are repaired, strengthened, and excess tissue is removed. The answer to "How is vaginoplasty surgery performed?" can only be determined by the type of sagging. The question of which vaginal aesthetic surgery should be performed can only be clarified by examination. How is vaginoplasty surgery performed can be discussed after the type of surgery is determined.



During the surgery, it should not be forgotten that the vagina and anus are functional organs. The vagina should not be stitched too tightly or too tight. After a poorly performed surgery, a vagina may be too narrow, not allowing intercourse, or its natural axis and entrance direction may be distorted.
If the bladder is lifted too high, you may continue to have urinary incontinence. If the bladder is lifted too high, you may have difficulty urinating. Lines called fistulas may open between the bladder and the vagina.
Do not worry about bleeding during vaginal aesthetic surgery. It is a type of surgery that generally causes little bleeding.


Laser Genital Aesthetics Antalya 

One of the most wondered issues is whether there will be a re-expansion after a vaginal tightening operation. If the surgery is performed using the correct techniques, no, there will be no re-expansion of the vagina.
We often encounter the question of whether a woman who has had vaginal aesthetics can have a normal birth. Normal birth is not recommended after vaginal surgeries. Since normal birth is wrong after vaginal tightening, a cesarean section is necessary. Normal birth may cause uncontrolled tears or at least there may be risks such as the vagina sagging again after the operation.
After the surgery, we usually place a tampon in the vagina for about 1 day. This vaginal tampon stops the bleeding and stays attached to the tissues of the vagina for a while.
There is no need to worry if stitches are visible after the vaginal tightening operation. The stitches of the areas that heal after the operation may come out one by one.
The pain after vaginoplasty surgery is not very intense. Since we do not open your abdominal area during the surgery, the surgery is generally milder than you expect.


Some women apply for lengthening of the inner lips, asymmetry of the inner lips, and tears. Asymmetry in the labia minora (inner lips) may be congenital. Sometimes, tearing due to birth or trauma may cause deformities in the labia minora and lengthening of the labia minora.
These lengths in the lips cause the lips to fold inwards during sexual intercourse, pain during sexual intercourse, swelling of the inner lips after sexual intercourse, increase in vaginal discharge, and infections and swelling of the lips themselves.
The lips can be corrected and aesthetic stitches can be placed. Labiaplasty surgery heals so well that the scars are invisible.
The patient gains morale and becomes a more confident woman in sexual intercourse. You can also get rid of some of your ongoing discharge.


  • There may be slight swelling during the recovery period of labia minora (inner) surgery. However, the recovery of labia minora (inner) is very rapid. 
  • Generally, there is not much bleeding in the surgical area in the postoperative phase.
  • It is a good idea to rest with your legs apart.
  • It may be recommended to keep your wound area dry, or even try to keep it dry by exposing it to light from time to time.
  • You can wash the wound area with water, but you should definitely dry it afterwards. Your operation will not be harmed during this drying.
  • Labiaplasty stitches are generally of a type that absorbs quickly. It is not necessary to remove the stitches of the labiaplasty surgery.
  • Labiaplasty surgery is a type of surgery that requires easy recovery and allows you to return to daily life quickly.


Here you will read why vaginal aesthetic surgery is needed:
  • -The image of a prolapsed bladder and prolapsed stool channel seen from the outside,
  • -Urinary incontinence,
  • -Gas leakage,
  • -Looseness in the vagina during sexual intercourse,
  • -Continuous currents,
  • -Frequently recurring urinary tract infections,
  • -They come with cervical wounds (cervical erosion).


In order to apply, you need to know what vaginal dilation causes.
The most disturbing issue is the widening of the vagina if the spouse also mentions it. In fact, such patients cannot even tolerate the postponement of the surgery and distant appointments. Most of them can attribute the problem with their spouses to the decrease in vaginal tightness. This is the most common reason why vaginal tightening surgery is performed. There may be urinary incontinence, which occurs more when laughing, sneezing, or straining. If the patient has looseness in the excretory duct, there may be continuous vaginal discharge. In such patients, genital hygiene cannot be fully provided and vaginal infections may be frequent.
In cases of excessive prolapse, there is more urine remaining in the bladder after urination, which paves the way for infections.
In these cases, genital aesthetic surgeries can be performed.
Nowadays, women need genital area aesthetics just like facial beauties. They become happier and more confident by having more satisfying sexual intercourse. This is the answer to why vaginal aesthetic surgeries have increased.
It is a matter of curiosity at what age genital aesthetic surgery can be performed. It can be performed at any age when problems bother you.
There is no need to worry about whether genital aesthetic labiaplasty surgery will ruin virginity. Since there will be no vaginal sagging in virgin women, we are limited to the external genitalia only. This type of genital aesthetics does not have any effect on virginity.


If we are going to tighten the inside of the vagina, we should do the surgery at least 1.5 months in advance. Sometimes women who have gotten married and separated request hymen repair for a new start. If you wish, it is possible to do hymen repair together with genital aesthetics.



We can perform our surgeries with general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia technique. You do not need to worry about whether there will be pain in genital aesthetic surgery or vaginal tightening surgery.
The most common vaginal aesthetic surgery is the vaginal tightening surgery.
During vaginoplasty, the prolapsed bladder, excretory duct, prolapsed cervix, and anus area are repaired, strengthened, and excess tissue is removed. The answer to the question of how vaginoplasty is performed depends on the type of prolapse.
The question of which vaginal aesthetic surgery should be performed can only be clarified by examination. How the vaginal tightening surgery is performed can be discussed after the type of surgery is determined.



During the surgery, it should not be forgotten that the vagina and anus are functional organs. The vagina should not be stitched too tightly or too tight. After a poorly performed surgery, a vagina may be too narrow, not allowing intercourse, or its natural axis and entrance direction may be distorted.
If the bladder is lifted too high, you may continue to have urinary incontinence. If the bladder is lifted too high, you may have difficulty urinating. Lines called fistulas may open between the bladder and the vagina.
Do not worry about bleeding during vaginal aesthetic surgery. It is a type of surgery that generally causes little bleeding.


One of the most wondered issues is whether there will be a re-expansion after a vaginal tightening operation. If the surgery is performed using the correct techniques, no, there will be no re-expansion of the vagina.
We often encounter the question of whether a woman who has had vaginal aesthetics can have a normal birth. Normal birth is not recommended after vaginal surgeries. Since normal birth is wrong after vaginal tightening, a cesarean section is necessary. Normal birth may cause uncontrolled tears or at least there may be risks such as the vagina sagging again after the operation.
After the surgery, we usually place a tampon in the vagina for about 1 day. This vaginal tampon stops the bleeding and stays attached to the tissues of the vagina for a while.
There is no need to worry if stitches are visible after the vaginal tightening operation. The stitches of the areas that heal after the operation may come out one by one.
The pain after vaginoplasty surgery is not very intense. Since we do not open your abdominal area during the surgery, the surgery is generally milder than you expect.


In general, you should not have sexual intercourse for 20-40 days depending on the type of surgery. It would be best to have your first sexual intercourse after vaginoplasty after doctor's control and approval. How sexuality is affected after vaginal aesthetics is a matter of curiosity. Sexual life after vaginoplasty will be satisfactory for you and your partner.
You may have concerns about whether the stitches will be removed after genital aesthetics and whether there will be pain after genital aesthetics. Since we generally use absorbable stitches in vaginal surgeries, there is no need to have your stitches removed after vaginal aesthetics. Again, there is no need to have stitches removed after vaginal tightening surgery.



It is usually sufficient to keep the perineal area dressed for at most 2-3 days. 
Generally, the first urine after the catheter is removed may be difficult. Rarely, we may encounter problems such as feeling the urine but not being able to urinate. In some surgeries, it is important for us to urinate for the first time. In this case, it is usually enough to empty it once with the catheter, if it continues, bladder exercises can be done. In other words, if there is difficulty in urinating after discharge, we need to be informed.
You should not lift heavy objects or strain excessively for about two months. Try to urinate frequently.
If there is a disease with cough and extreme constipation, it is treated.
It is important if you have a foul-smelling discharge after the surgery. You may have yellow vaginal discharge in the first 10 days of the surgery.
If you experience fever, heavy bleeding, swelling and discharge from the wound, chest pain, shortness of breath, extreme weakness and fatigue, extreme and increasing pain, difficulty in passing gas or stool, nausea and vomiting after the surgery, you should consult with your surgeon.
If bleeding occurs after the vaginal tightening procedure, it may be significant. Sometimes, subcutaneous hematomas that form can be discharged in this way.


Labiaplasty surgery (outer labia reduction, outer labia correction, inner labia reduction, inner labia correction operations) techniques should be selected specifically for the individual.
Some women apply for sagging and asymmetry in the outer (big) lips. The structure of the inner lips, labium minus, varies from person to person. Asymmetry in the labia minora may be congenital. Sometimes, tearing due to birth or trauma may cause deformities in the labia minora and lengthening of the labia minora.


The lengthening of the inner lips can cause the lips to fold inwards during sexual intercourse, causing pain and swelling during sexual intercourse, an increase in vaginal discharge, and infections and swelling of the lips themselves.


Sagging in the inner lips is related to congenital tears, weakening of the collagen structure over time and weakening of the natural filling under the skin.


  • The lips can be corrected and aesthetic stitches can be placed. The scars of this surgery heal so well that they cannot be seen. The patient's morale increases and she becomes a more confident woman in her sexual intercourse, and you can also get rid of some of your ongoing discharge.
  • The inner lips that have been reduced with labiaplasty surgery will not grow or lengthen again.
  • There may be slight swelling in the labia minora during the healing phase. However, the labia minora heal very quickly. You do not need to worry about scarring after labia minora aesthetics.
  • Generally, there is no bleeding in the surgical area after labiaplasty surgery.
  • It is a good idea to rest with your legs apart.
  • It may be recommended to keep your wound area dry, or even try to keep it dry by exposing it to light from time to time.
  • You can wash the wound area with water, but you should definitely dry it afterwards. Your operation will not be harmed during this drying.
  • We generally use quickly absorbable stitches. 
  • Labiaplasty surgery is a type of operation that allows quick recovery and allows you to return to daily life quickly.
  • Of course there is anatomical diversity, of course there are differences, that's why in some women the labia minora are very large and can fold over the labia minora, there can be asymmetry, it can stay inside or there are some who have no lips at all. Let's call these many varieties, variations.
  • Does this cause any anatomical problems for you, whether the labia minora is small or not at all or large and folds towards the outer lips? No, it won't. But in general, apart from causing you physical problems, it won't cause you much more trouble as a task. But as you know, visuals are very important for us, when you see the genital organ of a different person in the desired position and compare them, you may find that you are not actually the exact size you want, or when you see the image that should be optimal in atlases, books, social media, you may start researching whether there is a problem with me, and eventually you go to a gynecologist or a doctor who deals with genital aesthetics and you want to evaluate whether mine is normal or not. In fact, the most important thing in evaluation is your opinion.
  • I am not happy with this or I am happy with this. If you ask the doctor or health problem, no doctor will say that this will cause a problem. However, there are some patients, some details. For example, the wider that area is or the larger that area is or the surface area is more than it should be, then the possibility of an infectious agent or microbe there increases in Antalya and of course the larger the surface area, the possibility of it causing you trouble increases. When you put on underwear or wear a bikini or swimsuit, the possibility of it disturbing you visually increases. Now, as I said, when the density increases, the discharge can cause unwanted things like odor or there can be sharp discharges during intercourse and it can hurt you when you enter during intercourse or it can bother you when you feel the discharge so early during the toilet, frankly.
  • Generally, people apply to us for physical appearance. Those who say they want labiaplasty usually come for physical appearance, but there are also those who have frequent urinary tract infections, frequent fungal infections or those who have such problems during intercourse who say they want to have this surgery.


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