Antalya Vaginal Flora Treatment
There was a very important, groundbreaking period in the studies carried out to investigate the cause of diseases. The Human Genome project was completed in the early 2000s. In other words, it has become clear that each individual is genetically different and that this should be prioritized in order to protect against diseases. Even humans have been genetically mapped. In the following years, something equally important attracted attention. And that is the microorganisms we host in our bodies, yes, our body cavities.
Antalya Vaginal Flora Treatment
Please call our clinic for more questions such as Antalya Vaginal Flora Treatment, What is Vaginal Flora Disease, What is Vaginal Flora?
For example, there is such a microorganism flora in our digestive system and genital system. Most of the microorganisms we host are beneficial microorganisms and have the ability to protect these body cavities from external factors and unwanted microorganisms. For example, if we take the vagina, which is the cavity of the female genital system that opens to the outside, as an example, it also hosts many microorganisms. The important thing here is that there is a different situation in the vagina. The pH of the vagina is kept lower than that of the whole body, and what does this is a type of bacteria that secretes lactic acid. We call this lactose acid. These lactobacilli are present in a certain amount on the head and provide acid to lower the pH, and this acidic environment prevents harmful microorganisms from settling on the head like a film.
At the same time, what does this mean that the vaginal flora is under hormonal influence? This is when the woman's hormonal system changes, for example, a menstrual pregnancy. Vaginal pH may also change during periods such as menopause. What happens when vaginal PH changes? Susceptibility to infections may increase. Therefore, it is very important to protect vaginal pH and flora. The most important point is to protect the LACTOBASILs that keep the vagina acidic, which is beneficial, or to keep the lactic acid content of the vagina at a certain level.
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